Polyvinyl Alcohol Application

Polyvinyl Alcohol products have a wide range of uses. In the textile industry, they are mainly used as yarn pulp, fabric finishing...

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Polyvinyl Alcohol Grades

Polyvinyl Alcohol is manufactured by polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer, followed by hydrolysis of the polyvinyl acetate. HOP...

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Polyvinyl Alcohol Introduction

Polyvinyl Alcohol is a water soluble and biodegradable synthetic polymer. It is adry solid, and is available in granule and powder...

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textile sizing polyvinyl alcohol

The specific gravity of PVA is ranging from 1.26 to 1.31,which is heavier than that of water.Low agitation speed

or unfavorable agitating condition sometimes causes coarse particles to precipitate and to block the outlet of

the dissolving tank.Hence,a flush valve or tank valve is recommended to be installed in the bottom of the ves-

sel to prevent the particles from blocking the discharge line.

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