Polyvinyl Alcohol Application

Polyvinyl Alcohol products have a wide range of uses. In the textile industry, they are mainly used as yarn pulp, fabric finishing...

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Polyvinyl Alcohol Grades

Polyvinyl Alcohol is manufactured by polymerization of vinyl acetate monomer, followed by hydrolysis of the polyvinyl acetate. HOP...

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Polyvinyl Alcohol Introduction

Polyvinyl Alcohol is a water soluble and biodegradable synthetic polymer. It is adry solid, and is available in granule and powder...

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How are Polyvinyl alcohol fibers different from polypropylene fibers?


How are Polyvinyl alcohol fibers different from polypropylene fibers?

Polyvinyl alcohol fiber and polypropylene fibers differ in many ways, but as reinforcement for concrete, these differences are especially notable. Polypropylene, nylon and the other synthetic fibers used in concrete serve only one purpose: to restrain plastic shrinkage during the first 24 hours after concrete is poured. Because of their high elongation, or "stretchiness", these fibers are essentially useless for the drying shrinkage and other sorts of cracking that all concrete suffers from. These cracks, in addition to plastic cracking, is what PVA is designed to handle. In that regard it is a structural fiber like steel and AR glass.

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